Friday, July 10, 2009

Permaculture Design and Edible Forest Gardening (Course)

Good afternoon. Today I start a 3 week intensive permaculture design and edible forest gardening course. It takes place at Sirius Community located in Shutesbury, Massachusetts (did you know Massachusetts is the hardest word in the English language to say, and foreigners learn it by saying "Mr. Chu Says"). Just a little tid bit for the day.

Anyway, there is about 25 of us starting the course and it should be a totally awesome experience. I will be bringing my camera along and posting very often as it is part of my course contract. I will be living in or near the Sirius eco-village for the next 3 weeks. I must continue packing and organizing my things...updates soon to come. Be well,



  1. What out discombobullation or antidisestablishmentarianism? Or even Milngavie (prnounced MILGUY)...a small town in Scotland. I look forward to following your reports. I'm off do my teachers course soon.

  2. Japanese doesn't have an "L" sound. So any time there is an "L" in English, they change it to an R. Recently in my Japanese class the teacher (a Native Japanese speaker) had the misfortune of having to pronounce "parallellogram." Were it not for the conveniently placed white board and markers nearby, it could have been really cruel.
