Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My Outer and Inner Self

I just began talking with my roommate, Sean, about the subject of your "online self". What you choose to post online says a lot about you. For instance, I post a lot of things on here about my day-to-day activities that are important to me. Some things I select to highlight and other things I don't. How do I select what should go in my blog and what shouldn't? And how is my "online self" different from me in-person?

I've read back some posts to try and answer these two questions. One thing I've noticed is that I blog much more about my experiences than I do my thoughts. When I was traveling I also did this, however, I did share my thoughts on a lot of events. I find it difficult to translate what goes on in my head onto this blog, as doing so bridges the gap between my real self and my online image. Writing this right now I realize that my true identify is only known by me, and many people only see one part Ryan Harb. What I think I show people is that I'm a caring and compassionate person, and that I'm out trying to find a way to make a huge positive impact on the world. My family knows this, but I also share much more with them about myself than I do with anyone else in this world.

What I've thought about today, or tonight rather, is what keeps me motivated. I live a busy life here at school and each day I get up and don't let myself give up or slow down for too long. I try reminding myself daily how good I have it. I think a lot about the future and what life has in store. It's exciting but at the same time frustrating not knowing what's coming next or even where I'll be this summer. A lot can happen in a short amount of time and I am learning more about myself each day.


  1. We will have to discuss this more in depth sometime. I am so on your wavelength too.

    Love, Mom

  2. Same wavelength here too. We have some great conversations ahead of us! :)
