Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Local PDC Course May 10-21 (All-Star Lineup!)

G'evening y'all,

I just received notice that there will be a permaculture design certificate (PDC) course taught at Hampshire College from May 10-21. It is being taught by local permaculture instructors Mai Frank and Ned Phillips-Jones (with guest instructors including Dave Jacke, Jono Neiger, and Eric Toensmeier). That's an All-Star lineup for those of you who aren't familiar with the names.

This is an awesome opportunity to gain your PDC and it probably the least expensive PDC course I have ever seen. I highly recommend making an inquiry if you are at all interested in permaculture. The last I heard about half the spots were filled.

Check out the flyer and e-mail for more info. Also, please pass this e-mail along to anyone you think might be interested.

Hope everyone is doing well and your end of the semesters aren't too overwhelming. Good luck - the semester's almost over!


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