Wednesday, April 8, 2009

My final days - teaching in Holyoke, MA

Today is my last week of teaching in Holyoke, MA. It has been an intense four weeks to say the least. Some lectures of mine went great, others not so good. I've met some incredible people doing this and had some great conversations with a few of the students. I would love to share some of the stories but many are too personal to post on my blog, out of respect for the students.

I have focused a lot of my energy these past four weeks on teaching these students about green building / energy auditing to the best of my ability. I learned a lot about myself and I also learned how different things are, education wise, in inner cities compared to the wealthier suburbs (where I grew up in). It was a life lesson being an instructor to these twelve students, aged 16 - 20, and I will not forget this experience for as long as I live.

The students seemed a little sad when I informed them that Thursday is my last day teaching (maybe they aren't sad, but it makes me feel good to think so). I told them that I would be back, probably sitting along side of them during the next module; field work. When the four modules run their course (culminating with the students receiving a certificate for being trained in energy auditing) I may very well begin teaching the course again. I have a feeling it will go a lot smoother the second time around as I can take what I learned in this experience and use what works / throw out what didn't.

As much work as it was, I will miss these 30 minute drives, 30+ hours of preparation, and 20 hours of teaching. Although unfocused at times, the kids were great and some I may even have had an impact on for their future life's work. The best moment was reaching out to one of the students who I deemed to be the leader of the bunch. I told him that I could clearly see his leadership abilities and that I wanted to bring this to his attention. His behavior had an effect on the rest of the class and once he realized this his whole attitude changed. He helped me control the class when they got out of line, volunteered much more often, and started shaking my hand after each lecture. We had some great conversations the last few classes and I hope to keep in touch with him in the future.

Here are some videos from the last class and I will post a group picture of us once I upload it.

Setting up the blower door.


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