Patrice, on the left, my couchsurfing host, with Yonatan, my roommate, on the right.

Counting the money...

...From a long days work... that is 242 Euros!

Noam, left with their audience member Carlos in the middle and Yonatan on the right.

Wondering what they do at this point?


They street perform!
You must watch this video! Click the play button to see my couchsurfing roommates!
Then there is usual tourist attractions: The Eiffel Tower
The Sacre Couer
Myself, extremely happy, on my first full-day in Paris. I am wondering alone at this point from The Louvre to Arc de Triumph.
A fountain, with the Eiffel Tower in the background,
Me at The Louvre.
More Louvre...
And finally, Patricks place with some balloon animals made by the talented street performers whom I lived with for three nights.
love the beard ;)
ReplyDeleteDid you clime the effeil tower? Did you see the Mona Lisa? I also agree with Elisha regarding the beard. That's a great picture of you! Where did you get those cool black foster grant sun glasses? Am I dating myself with the foster grant reference? I love the video. Street smart stuff. say hello to all. See you soon. Thanks for the update and walk through Paris.