Friday, June 20, 2008

In Berlin!

Hey everyone -

I made it safe to Berlin. It was an interesting night to say the least...basically me being stubborn and not wanting to pay for another night at the hostel. So I stayed awake as long as i could and read all night in the lobby area. They caught on and told me I had to call a cab. I stuck it out as long as I could, and eventually took a cab to Amsterdam Central around 430. My train left at 7 so it was a bit of a wait, but everything turned out fine. Long day, though!

Regardless, i traveled with Adam and James to Berlin instead of taking an overnight train alone. Good call on my part I think. One of those decisions that you dont know what could have happened, waiting in a train station from 130 - 500 at night.

As you can probably tell, i am on a german keyboard and my internet is just about to expire. I will update you with pictures and stories regarding what i do in berlin. taking a 4 hour walking tour in the morning, see some wwii memorials, it will be great! Prague next, I cant wait!

Bye for now. will fix pics later!


  1. i can't believe how many places you've already been. you must be the superman of backpackers.

  2. Ryan, did you get a piece of the Berlin Wall? :)

  3. Ironically, dad, the Berlin Wall has a wall around it...preventing people like me from taking a piece of it. I think I have a picture of this wall for a wall. And I'm no superman, Elisha. Just an overly-tired backpacker / tourist :)
