Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Companion-Planting Workshop in Amherst - Friday (April 2) at 9:00am!

Hey y'all

Come by 3 Willow Lane in Amherst, MA this Friday to learn about companion-planting! Llani Davidson from Sirius Community will be facilitating a FREE companion-planting workshop... teaching people what annuals go next to what for maximum benefit!

I have recently received over 50 varieties of seeds from Fedco and they are all going in the ground this Friday (April 2) starting at 9am! If you can come by and help, it will be greatly appreciated! Some of our activities include raking mulch off the recently sheet-mulched beds closest to the house (zone 1 for permaculturalists!), adding some more compost to the already raised beds, and laying down some cardboard and wood chips on the paths (slowly and surely, there will be just FOOD not a LAWN on this parcel of land!) I couldn't have gotten this far without all of your help, and now I'm asking for it again. One day I will return the favor - I am all for Propogating these edible forest gardens for All… if you need help with yours, please let me know.

The planting-party will last until probably 2:00ish depending on how many people show up (and the amount of cardboard people bring!) If you can come, it would be helpful to bring:


-and lots (and lots!) of cardboard for sheet mulching a few paths!

Feel free to bring others if you can make it - and a head count would be helpful for coordinating all of this. E-mail me at iamharb@gmail.com or call: (978) 314-1176. Looking forward to seeing / meeting lots of you this Friday.



Please pass this message along to others.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Ordering Seeds from Fedco!

Good morning -

Wow, this weather we've had the past 4-5 days has been unbelievable! Everything is coming to life.. though I hope a deep frost doesn't come in and set everyone/everything back! Not to be pessimistic, but I have a feeling that might happen.

Spring is around the corner regardless and it is almost time to start planting! It's a little sad not having a greenhouse / the infrastructure to start sprouting on my own, but in time... This year I'll have to buy a few starters (peppers, eggplant, tomatos to name a few) to go along with the $100 worth of seeds I just purchased from fedco. This is in addition to the $1000+ I'll be spending at Tripple Brook.

Here's a list of the seeds that will be coming in the mail within two weeks:

299WI-Windsor Fava Bean (B=8oz) 1 x $4.00= $4.00
307KO-Black Kabouli Garbanzo Bean OG (A=2oz) 1 x $1.60= $1.60
335TO-Tiger Eye Bean OG (A=2oz) 1 x $1.80= $1.80
540BD-Bodacious Yellow Sweet Corn (A=2oz) 1 x $2.20= $2.20
818GT-Oregon Giant Snow Pea (B=8oz) 1 x $4.00= $4.00
888CA-Cascadia Snap Pea (B=8oz) 1 x $4.00= $4.00
925GO-Golden Gopher Muskmelon OG (A=1/16oz) 1 x $1.60= $1.60
940DL-Delicious 51 PMR Muskmelon (A=1/16oz) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
1226NL-National Pickling Cucumber (C=1/2oz) 1 x $2.20= $2.20
1312MM-Marketmore 76 Slicing Cucumber (B=1/4oz) 2 x $1.40= $2.80
1372LM-Lemon Slicing Cucumber (C=1/2oz) 1 x $2.20= $2.20
1411BZ-Black Zucchini (C=1/2oz) 1 x $2.50= $2.50
1434CZ-Cocozelle Zucchini (C=1/2oz) 1 x $2.50= $2.50
1504SF-Saffron Summer Squash (D=1oz) 1 x $5.00= $5.00
1611ZO-Zeppelin Delicata Winter Squash OG (A=1/8oz) 1 x $1.60= $1.60
1622BU-Bush Buttercup Emerald strain Winter Squash (A=1/4oz) 1 x $1.20= $1.20
1628BB-Burgess Buttercup Winter Squash (A=1/4oz) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
1655BH-Blue Hubbard New England strain Winter Squash (A=1/4oz) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
2042SN-Scarlet Nantes Carrot (B=1/2oz) 1 x $2.50= $2.50
2121RO-Red Ace Beet OG (A=1/8oz) 1 x $1.30= $1.30
2186BB-Bulls Blood Beet (A=1/8oz) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
2214CB-Cherry Belle Radish (C=1oz) 1 x $1.80= $1.80
2224EE-Easter Egg Radish (C=1oz) 1 x $3.50= $3.50
2234CH-Champion Radish (C=1oz) 1 x $1.80= $1.80
2310HA-Harris Model Parsnip (A=1/8oz) 1 x $0.70= $0.70
2377TR-Oasis Turnip (B=1/4oz) 1 x $5.50= $5.50
2439EV-Evergreen Hardy White Scallion (B=1/8oz) 1 x $2.20= $2.20
2540LS-Bloomsdale Spinach (D=4oz) 1 x $3.50= $3.50
2722SB-Salad Bowl Lettuce (A=2g) 1 x $0.70= $0.70
2738AO-Antares Lettuce OG (A=1g) 1 x $1.30= $1.30
3008HO-Hopi Red Dye Amaranth OG (B=1/8oz) 1 x $2.00= $2.00
3049CL-Claytonia (B=1g) 1 x $2.20= $2.20
3096KH-Good King Henry Chenopodium or Goosefoot (A=0.5g) 1 x $1.30= $1.30
3644DC-Diamante Celeriac (A=0.2g) 1 x $2.40= $2.40-replaced with Brilliant
4412TO-Astragalus OG (B=3g) 1 x $3.00= $3.00
4481WO-Wild Bergamot OG (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
4491BO-Borage OG (A=0.5g) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
4509NP-Catnip (B=7g) 1 x $2.50= $2.50
4510LC-Lemony Catnip (A=0.5g) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
4517RO-Caribe Cilantro OG (A=1g) 1 x $1.00= $1.00
4584LM-Ladys Mantle (A=0.05g) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
4651PR-Pennyroyal (A=0.2g) 1 x $1.30= $1.30
4657RM-Rosemary (A=0.2g) 1 x $1.30= $1.30
4681BS-Baikal Skullcap (A=0.1g) 1 x $2.00= $2.00
4686TS-Topas St Johnswort (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.10= $1.10
4698SW-Sweet Woodruff (C=2.4g) 1 x $5.50= $5.50
5011CH-Copperhead Amaranth (A=0.2g) 1 x $1.30= $1.30
5746PG-Purple Globe Amaranth (A=0.1g) 1 x $1.20= $1.20
6055YP-Yellow Prairie Coneflower (A=1g) 1 x $0.90= $0.90
6126FN-Forget-Me-Not (A=0.1g) 1 x $0.90= $0.90

Subtotal: = $102.50
Maine Sales Tax: + $0.00
Adjusted Total: = $102.50
Volume Discount: - $10.25
Seed School Discount: - $0.00
Organic Growers Discount: - $0.00
Handling Charge: + $0.00
Shipping: + $0.00
Grand Total: = $92.25

More updates to come.. I've been very busy with work lately
and haven't been posting much. But lots of pictures to come
this spring! Stay tuned...
