Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sheet Mulching - First Try (And Asking for Help!)

Saturday came and we couldn't have asked for better weather. The sun was beaming, the crickets chirping, no mosquitoes... it was near-perfect. The lawn was anxiously awaiting to be aerated and doused with beneficial minerals and organic matter (compost). Around 9:30am we started with some aeration weed clearing.

We had plenty of tools as I had no idea how many people would actually show. I was expecting around 20 and we got 15...not bad at all! These are the tools we borrowed from GardenShare at UMass:

... Then there was the UHaul Truck...filled with compost and cardboard, and tools. I got a story to tell about that one, but I'll save it for a later date.

The amount of cardboard we had was ridiculous...

(In the rafters of the garage, too)

And 10,000 pounds of compost...

But not nearly enough compost!

I have a lot of work left to do... in fact, we need about 30,000 more pounds of compost, which will cost around $400.. and that's a problem as I don't have that kind of money at this point in time. I am funding this project myself and it's costing me much more than I anticipated.

Here is my call for help to anyone who chooses to listen:

To all those who are concerned for our planet's future, who want to help heal the Earth in some way or another, here is an opportunity not to be overlooked.

My name is Ryan Harb. I am a 23 year old graduate student at UMass Amherst. The degree that I will be obtaining is in "green building," but more specifically, I am focusing all of my energy toward the regenerating the land.

To graduate with a M.S. in green building, students must complete a 6-credit practicum (internship) related to the field. I have always been a self-motivated person and I decided from the beginning that my project had to be unique...

Not only unique, it had to be something big. It had to be something that would get people talking. Most of all it had to be educational; something that people would actually want to learn about which would benefit both the individual and the planet as a whole. The goals were clear and the project developed after months of consultation and exploration.

(Read a few posts down about "permaculture" if you are interested.)

I am transforming my yard into a model permaculture edible forest garden that teaches tenants about sustainable living and having a minimal environmental impact. We started work this past Saturday which will help improve the soil before spring planting. UMass donated 5 cubic yards of compost, tools for our efforts and the local recycling yard is providing us mulch. However, my budget has already been surpassed as the cost of minerals (for regenerating the soil) and transportation is much greater than initially expected.

I am now searching for about $500 to keep my project alive. The university has helped me thus far, but now I am left to foot a bill that I cannot afford. Any donation you can spare, be it $10, $20, $50 or even 5 dollars… will all go toward bettering the planet.

If we can get this one garden finished, and have it be successful in the long-term... sky is the limit for how far this could spread. Imagine "Food Not Lawns" ... edible gardens that take very little to maintain rather than the constant battle with nature (humans mowing grass!)

I have the spare time and the energy to make this garden a success. Now I just need some financial resources to help achieve this vision of returning the land to a more wild and natural state while also benefiting insects, animals and humans alike.

Thank you for the consideration, and if anything that I said moved you, donations can be mailed to:

Ryan Harb
3 Willow Lane
Amherst, MA 01002.

I appreciate this more than you realize. Be well, everyone.

Ryan Harb

Thanks for reading this post all the way through. In Summary: Before yardwork began on Saturday...

And after...

With some mulch on top, she will be ready for the cold weather.. then the planting begins in spring! Stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ryan,
    Wow! That sounds like a great project!Thanks for the before and after picture. It helps me understand. I'd like to donate to your fund. I'll send a check if that works for you. I hope everything went well this past weekend. Update us on if you worked regardless of the rain on Saturday. You'll have to educate me on the process. I have a number of no till questions that i think I already know the answer but I'll defer to you. Talk with ya soon. Hello to everyone in the housssse. Be well,safe and live it now!
    Love Ya.....Arturo
